Learn more about iEHR's FHIR Operation support.
📄️ Validate a resource
iEHR implements the FHIR $validate operation
📄️ GraphQL
iEHR provides a GraphQL API based on the FHIR GraphQL draft specification.
📄️ ValueSet $expand Operation
iEHR implements the FHIR $expand operation
📄️ Patient $everything Operation
iEHR implements the FHIR $everything operation
📄️ Bot Execute
Invoke a iEHR Bot using the custom $execute operation.
📄️ Bulk FHIR API
iEHR supports the Bulk FHIR API 2.0.0. The Bulk FHIR API uses Backend Services Authorization.
📄️ Resend Webhooks
iEHR implements a custom operation, $resend, that can be used to trigger all Subscriptions listening to a a particular resource.
📄️ Project Initialization
iEHR implements a custom Project/$init operation, which can create a new Project and set up the admin user,
📄️ ConceptMap Translate
iEHR implements the ConceptMap/$translate operation, which allows mapping a coded value
📄️ Measure $evaluate-measure
iEHR supports the Measure $evaluate-measure operation.
📄️ Bot Deploy
iEHR Bots can be deployed using the $deploy operation.
📄️ Bot Deploy
iEHR Bots can be deployed using the $deploy operation.
📄️ CodeSystem Import
Load codes and metadata into the database for a given CodeSystem. This is used to build large code systems with
📄️ CodeSystem Lookup
This operation checks whether a code belongs to a given code system, and returns the full information about that code
📄️ CodeSystem Subsumes
Tests for a linear relationship between two codes in a given CodeSystem, where one code is a direct parent or indirect
📄️ CodeSystem Validate Code
Validates whether a specified code is part of the given CodeSystem.
📄️ ValueSet Validate Code
Validates whether a specified coding is included in the given ValueSet.